Sutra / Discourse

Buddhist Wisdom Books

Author: Edward Conze
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Threefold Lotus Sutra

Author: Bunno Kato [translator]
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Infinite Life Sutra

Author: John Walker (translator)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Smaller Sukhavativyuha Sutra

Author: Nishu Utsuki (translator)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra

Author: Venerable Hsuan Hua Hsuan Hua [commentator]
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra

Author: Venerable Hsuan Hua [commentator]
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra

Author: Venerable Hsuan Hua
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

Diamond Sutra

Author: Dwight Goddard
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

Universal Gates Chapter of Bodhisattva Guan Shi Yin

Author: Yutang Lin (translator)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Lotus Sutra of Wonderous Dharma

Author: Venerable Cheng Kuan [translator]
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Four Buddhist Books in Mahayana

Author: P.C. Lee (compiler)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

Buddhism of Wisdom and Faith

Author: Thich Tam Thien
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Lotus of the Wonderful Law

Author: W. E. Soothill
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The King of Samadhis Sutra

Author: Peter Alan Roberts
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

Mind-Seal of the Buddhas

Author: J.C. Cleary (translator)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Five Pure Land Sutras

Author: F. Max Muller (translator)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Sutra of Bodhisattva

Author: Frank G. French (editor)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha

Author: F. Max Muller (translator)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Sutra of Hui Neng

Author: Kong Ghee (editor)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,


Author: Vappo Thera
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Buddhas Last Request

Author: Bhikkhu Khantipalo [translator]
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

The Sutra of the Master of Healing

Author: Xuanzang (Hsuan Tsang)
Category: Sutra / Discourse,
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