Chan (Chinese)

Towards a Modern Chinese Buddhism

Author: Don A. Pittman
Category: Society / politics,

The Six Perfections

Author: Dale S. Wright
Category: Practice,

The Heart Sutra

Author: Kazuaki Tanahashi
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Power of Patriarchs

Author: Elizabeth Morrison
Category: History,

Practical Buddhism

Author: Upasaka Lu Kuan Yu
Category: Practice,

An Introduction to Huayen Buddhism

Author: Thomas Cleary
Category: Basic Concepts,

The Roots of Chan Buddhism

Author: Peter D. Hershock
Category: History,

Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism

Author: Robert H. Sharf
Category: Commentary,

Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context

Author: Bernard Faure (editor)
Category: History,

Buddhist Wisdom Books

Author: Edward Conze
Category: Sutra / Discourse,

Chan Practice and Faith

Author: Sheng Yen
Category: Practice,

Poems of Chinese Buddhist Nuns

Author: Beata Grant
Category: Poetry,

Effects of Chan Meditation

Author: Master Sheng Yen
Category: Meditation,


Author: Kennith J. Inada (translator)
Category: Commentary,

The Path of Freedom

Author: Arahant Upatisa
Category: New book,

Entrance to Buddhism

Author: Fengwen Chien [compiler]
Category: Basic Concepts,

A Biography of Sakyamumi Buddha in Colour

Author: Danuse Murty
Category: Childrens,

The Effects of Chan Meditation

Author: Not known
Category: Meditation,

In the Spirit of Chan

Author: Guogu
Category: Basic Concepts,

Faith in Mind

Author: Master Sheng Yen
Category: Practice,

The Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism

Author: Master Sheng Yen
Category: Teaching,

Skillful Means

Author: Michael Pye
Category: History,

Buddhism in China and Modern Society

Author: Wei Daoru
Category: History,

The Heritage of Taixu

Author: Bart Dessein
Category: Modern Buddhism,

A Distant Mirror

Author: Chen-kuo Lin
Category: Commentary,
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