Sutta / Discourse

The Heart Sutra

Author: Kazuaki Tanahashi
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

An Anthology of the Buddha’s Teaching

Author: David Maurice (compiler)
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Buddha My Refuge

Author: Bhikkhu Khantipalo [1932-2021]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Book of Protection

Author: Piyadasi Thera
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Atthakavagga

Author: Bhikkhu Pannobhasa
Category: Sutta / Discourse,


Author: Bhikkhu Thanissaro [translator]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Handful of Leaves Volume 1

Author: Bhikkhu Thanissaro [translator]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Khuddakapatha Short Passages

Author: Bhikkhu Thanissaro [translator]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Handful of Leaves Volume 2

Author: Bhikkhu Thanissaro [translator]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,


Author: Bhante Ananda
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Buddha Smiles

Author: Bhikkhu Thanissaro [translator]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Handful of Leaves Volume 4

Author: Bhikkhu Thanissaro [translator]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Silent Sages of Old

Author: Hemanta (translator)
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Anapanasati Sutta

Author: Venerable Vimalaramsi
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

How Free is Freedom of Thought

Author: Sanath Nanayakkara
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Sutta Nipata – the Group of Discourses

Author: K. R. Norman (translator)
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Sutta Nipata (in Pali)

Author: Dines Anderson
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

An Old Debate on Self

Author: Soma Thera
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Selections from the Dhammapada

Author: Piyadassi Thera
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Positive Response

Author: Acharya Buddharakkhita
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Living Message of the Dhammapada

Author: Bhikkhu Bodhi [1944-]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

An Analysis of the Pali Cannon

Author: Russell Webb
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Last Days of the Buddha

Author: Sister Vajira
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Setting the Wheel of the Dhamma in Motion

Author: Anagarika Tevijjo
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Guide to the Perplexed

Author: Donald K. Swearer
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Lifes Highest Blessings

Author: R. L. Soni
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Kalama Sutta

Author: Soma Thera
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Greater Discourse on the Elephant Footprint Simile

Author: Nyanaponika Thera [1901-1994]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Anguttara Nikaya – An Anthology part 2

Author: Nyanaponika Thera [compiler]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Anguttara Nikaya – An Anthology part 3

Author: Nyanaponika Thera [compiler]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

Anguttara Nikaya – An Anthology part 1

Author: Nyanaponika Thera [compiler]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,

The Buddhas Words on Kamma

Author: Nyanamoli Thera [translator]
Category: Sutta / Discourse,
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